How To Manifest Your Future Husband in 5 Steps

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Manifesting love does not have to be difficult. In fact, once you know the formula, you can take back control and start having fun with it.

For me personally, it was the complete opposite for years. It was excruciating trying to find ‘the one’. But I finally overcame it when I realised that it was the inner work that was missing.

If manifesting your ideal partner has been hard work so far, then keep reading to find out my own story and how I manifested my husband. I will walk you through the steps that I took to make it happen.

How to Manifest Your Future Husband

My story

When I was single, which was pretty much most of my life, I would dream of running into my future husband at the supermarket or the shopping centre, or somewhere on the street.

Hollywood really did a number on me! I used to think that romance movies where based on some kind of reality. I mean, did I really think I could bump my head on the curb and Mr Right would come running to me?

Silly I know.

Every day I was on the lookout for my future husband. I always dressed well, made sure I pretty decent, I socialised, I mingled, I pretty much did everything that I needed to do to meet somebody.

But looking back I can see just how utterly attached I was to the outcome.

In my mind I had a certain type, which was probably my biggest stumbling block. I was always on the lookout for a certain type of man. But I was also looking for an instant connection at the same time.

As I turned 30 and still unmarried, I knew there was something bigger at play. So I decided to do some inner work. I stumbled across a book on Amazon called Calling In The One by Katherine Woodward Thomas.

It sounded pretty cheesy and desperate but I didn’t care at this point. And after reading the first few pages I was seriously hooked.

It was like therapy in a book.

I looked at my patterns, my fears, my behaviour, my expectations, and I started to understand myself more.

I realised the type of qualities that I was actually looking for in a man. Qualities that were actually important to me, more than looks and more than his bank balance.

Then one day I started to feel like I was ready to get married, like really ready. There was no fear of not finding him, no fear of being hurt, just excitement for my future.

I started a new job and a few days later a man walked into my office, and as he spoke I got butterflies. It was something I couldn’t explain. I felt instantly attracted to him.

He was not my type at all. I was brought up in a strict Muslim family so I always expected to meet somebody that was the same as me. He was white and definitely not a Muslim.

I tried my best to push away my attraction for him, but it felt like a huge magnet was pulling me towards him. After a couple of months, he finally asked me out.

We got married over a year later. We did face obstacles due to our backgrounds, but that’s a story for another day.

Before this I was chronically single, but I cannot tell you how my life has changed since then. It is completely different and so much better than I ever thought it would be.

I will show you all the steps I took to manifest him into my life so keep reading. If you want to know the details of how I manifested my husband then check out my YouTube video here.

Step 1 - Make A List of Attributes

The first thing I did to attract my husband, was I made a list of 10 attributes that were important to me in a partner.

So get a pen and paper out and write down 10 things that are important to you in a partner.

Things that were important to me were attributes like, a great sense of humour, being financially independent, emotionally stable, to be taller than me.

Once you have written 10 attributes, go through your list and determine which ones are the most important. Cross out 5 of them that are the least important.

The 5 remaining attributes are the absolute dealbreakers, the things that you must have in a partner. If you are struggling to reach 5 then start to compromise with yourself a little.

So now that you have 5 remaining, this will help you to start seeing things differently. Stick this list up on the wall or on your vision board, or even on the bathroom mirror.

Remind yourself daily that your future husband is going to have these qualities.


Step 2 - Read Books About Relationships

The next thing I did was read. I read a lot of books about how people meet, what a healthy relationship looks like. I even read about divorce and the types of things that make people split up.

The best thing I read was a book called Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, about the attachment theory and compatibility.

They talk about different personality types that can be detected from childhood, and their emotional attachments as they grow up.

I began to understand myself more and the type of emotional personality I was looking for in a relationship.

For instance, I wanted somebody who was a healthy emotional type compared to me, who is more of an attached type.

Knowing this helped me to become clearer in my mind, which essentially helped me to manifest easier since I gained so much clarity about what I was looking for.

Go ahead and read books about relationships, that will be a massive way to commit to this journey of manifesting someone.

What do you fear the most about relationships? Whatever it is, there will be a book about it and how to overcome it. Read articles online as part of your education towards manifesting your dream man.

Step 3 - Forgive Past Relationships

Because I was able to understand myself more objectively, I was able to justify my past actions and why I acted the way I did. I was also able to justify the other parties’ actions too.

And because I was able to do this, it became easy to finally forgive myself. I forgave myself for being naive, for being so emotional and I allowed myself to move on and meet somebody better.

Go through your past relationships and see which emotions keep popping up. You don’t necessarily have to forgive the other person, but make a decision to put it behind you so that you can move on.

Forgive yourself for not knowing better, for doing all the things you did and for all the things you didn’t do.

If you are struggling with this, be sure to check out this video by Ashley Nord on how to forgive yourself.

Step 4 - Remove All Resistance To Finding Love

This one is a biggie and can singlehandedly change your life instantly. It goes hand in hand with the last step. But it is more about negative thoughts and removing limiting beliefs.

I had too many fears and I believed that I just wasn’t good enough. If you personally have this fear then be sure to read my blog post I Am Enough.

It will help you to start believing in yourself and realise that you are a better human being than you think you are.

I began to tell myself that I was worthy of finding love and that my future husband would love being with me.

I removed the image in my mind that he had to be a certain type, and instead I focused on meeting a decent man with a good heart, along with all my other attributes.

I didn’t care about the colour of his skin or his religious background anymore. If it mattered it would have been on my list, but for me personally, I realised that I just didn’t care.

So think about your fears and some of the things that might be stopping you from manifesting a relationship.

Is there an image in your mind about what your future husband looks like? Or are you holding on to a past relationship hoping that they will come back in your life?

If so, this may be the very thing stopping you from meeting somebody new.

Step 5 - Be Patient And Wait

I have found that when I am patient, I tend to manifest faster. When I think about wanting something instantly, I usually somehow push the very thing I want, away from me.

Becoming too attached to the outcome is something I have struggled with my entire life. It is a skill to let things go and let it come to you.

I didn’t meet my husband for a year after I started my own journey, but that was because I was living in another country and I was in transition to come back.

When I did come back, I met my husband a few months later. It was as if I needed to be back here to meet him. But because I had so much going on, I was too distracted to think about being in a relationship.

They always say that you will meet somebody when you are busy doing other things. I tried to do this to the best of my ability, but in the corner of my eye I was always on the lookout.

And when you are holding on to a lot of fears and limiting beliefs, being busy will only attract the wrong person anyway.

There is a fine line between letting go and being open and receptive. By doing the inner work you are being open and receptive and by letting go you are allowing the universe to do its job.

Bonus Exercise - The 3 Questions Game by Teal Swan

This is a bonus exercise that I wanted to share. Do the exercise below but don’t look at the meaning of the answers just yet, because if you do then you might answer differently.

So it is very important that you answer the questions first and then only afterward, proceed to what they mean. It is best if you get a pen and paper to write these down.

Ok so here goes:

  1. What is your favourite colour and 3 deep reasons why? They must be deep reasons such as; because it makes you feel peaceful or makes you feel warm.

  2. What is your favourite animal and 3 deep reasons why? Again, really deep reasons why this is your favourite animal.

  3. What is your favourite form or body of water? For instance, do you like ice, a lake, the sea or even toilet bowl water?

The meanings for the 3 questions are down below, no peeking until you have answered them completely.


Now that you have answered the questions, here are their meanings.

For colour, the answer you have stated is actually your view of your own personality.

For animal, this is your view of the perfect mate. So whatever you have written here will help you to uncover what is important to you in a partner. Or it may even highlight a pattern of partners you tend to attract.

And when it comes to the body of water, this is your view of your own sexuality.

So have a think about your answers and see if it is a clear reflection of you.

And there you have it, How To Manifest Your Husband in 5 Steps. Just to recap, here are the steps again.

  1. Make a List of Attributes

  2. Read Books About Relationships

  3. Forgive Past Relationships

  4. Remove All Resistance To Finding Love

  5. Be Patient And Wait

What challenges are you finding with your manifestation process? I would love to hear from you, leave your answers in the comments below.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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One day, your heart will stop beating, and none of your fears will matter. What will matter is how you lived.
— Henry Juntila


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