From Stolen Chicken Wings to Healing Money Wounds: My Journey to Abundance

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For as long as I can remember, my relationship with money has been haunted by a scarcity mindset.

Growing up, financial limitations were a constant reality, etching deep grooves in my money mindset. Determined to release these open wounds, I delved into understanding my money blocks.

It was during a podcast featuring the insightful Gabor Maté that I found a striking analogy for trauma. He described trauma as a wound, one that persists, impacting us long after the initial hurt.

Inspired by his words, I began to see my childhood financial struggles as open wounds that refused to heal, particularly one gaping wound that haunted me persistently.

Let me recount a seemingly trivial incident that encapsulates the intensity of my financial trigger. I had purchased a scrumptious pack of BBQ chicken wings, eagerly anticipating my indulgence. The next day, my husband unknowingly devoured some of them, leaving only a handful for myself.

But it was the subsequent day, the day I had set aside for my chicken wing feast, that sent me into a spiral of rage and anger. Those chicken wings, which I was really looking forward to had vanished without a trace. I wasn't just mad; I was livid.

Whenever there is tension, it needs attention.
— Dr Gabor Maté

2. Trauma as Open Wounds:

Determined to uncover the roots of my financial triggers, I delved into my childhood memories, searching for a connection. I recalled a specific incident from when I was around 7 or 8 years old, at my cousin's house amidst the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations.

Someone had bestowed upon me a single pound coin, which, in that moment, brought me immeasurable joy. Yet, almost in the blink of an eye, the coin was stolen from me.

I instinctively knew who had taken it, and in a fit of despair, I wept and wailed until my cries disrupted the entire household. The groom, disturbed from his slumber, handed me another pound coin just to quiet me down.


3. Unearthing the Gaping Wound

That stolen pound coin had unwittingly inflicted a lasting wound upon me. It was only after decades had passed that I comprehended the profound impact of that incident.

The money symbolised more than its monetary value—it represented being seen and acknowledged. Throughout my childhood, nobody ever gave me money without me pleading for it or shedding tears. Relatives who visited our home would generously offer money to my brother or sister, overlooking me as if I were invisible. In those moments, I felt unseen and unworthy of attention.

However, that stolen pound coin had momentarily shattered that feeling of invisibility. It was a sliver of grace that illuminated my existence, granting me a taste of feeling special, loved, and chosen. Even the smallest gesture of kindness, when you've never experienced it before, has the power to shift your entire world.


4. The Power of Being Seen:

Losing the money itself became secondary to the loss of that radiant moment. The light that had briefly shone on me was extinguished, leaving a void I now knew existed. As I recognised this wound, a transformation began to unfold. I allowed myself to cry and release the pent-up emotions, feeling the energy shift within me.

Then, I adopted a fresh perspective. Instead of fixating on the stolen money, which reinforced my sense of scarcity, I focused on the fact that, for that brief moment, I had been seen and cherished. By redirecting my thoughts, I created a positive connection to money, replacing negative associations.

Will this single revelation solve all my money wounds? Realistically, probably not. However, it marks a significant milestone in my healing journey, one that I can proudly check off the list.

By acknowledging and addressing each wound, I inch closer to abundant thinking, slowly dismantling the blocks that hinder financial manifestation.


5. Conclusion

In conclusion, my chicken wing saga became a catalyst for healing my money wounds. From stolen pound coins to vanished delicacies, these experiences served as reminders to shift my focus from scarcity to gratitude, from loss to moments of feeling seen.

Each wound healed brings me closer to a mindset of abundance, attracting greater financial flow into my life.

Remember, you too have the power to transform your relationship with money. Embrace your wounds, release the pain, and shift your perspective towards the abundance that awaits you.

Everything you judge about yourself served a purpose at the time
— Dr Gabor Maté

Do you struggle with manifesting more money? Do you suffer from financial trauma as a result of childhood experiences ? What is the number one thing you would love to release but find quite challenging to achieve? I would love to know, drop a comment below and lets start working on it.


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We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.
— Dr Gabor Maté


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