Cure Your ANXIETY Instantly With This ONE Exercise

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I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember, hyper aware of absolutely everything and panic struck over the minutest of things.

I am always on the lookout for natural remedies for anxiety, one of which is using mindfulness techniques.  But it doesn’t take much for me to catastrophize something that is tiny without me imagining the worst possible outcome.

Meditation has helped me to put things into perspective and age has given me some wisdom, but my body reacts instantaneously which is exhausting as well as debilitating.

Although I have a knack for clearing out old trauma and negative experiences that are sitting in my subconscious, the only other way I have ever managed to clear out my anxiety is through exercise.

But I’m a busy working mum and I have a million and one things to do on a daily basis and going to the gym doesn’t always fit into my schedule. But recently I decided to try out a stretching programme that I honestly didn’t think too much of, except just wanting to learn to do the splits.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been stretching every morning before I start my day, nothing more than 15 minutes and nothing too strenuous. But something I noticed was that I no longer had anxiety throughout the day.

I hadn’t changed my diet, my toddler was still hard work, and my job was pretty much the same, so the only thing that had changed was my morning stretches.


I was watching a podcast on YouTube with Dr Mindy Pelz who talked the benefits of exercising in the morning to get rid of the excess build-up of cortisol. This is something that made sense to me since I always meditate in the morning and I’ve never understood why I felt so anxious first thing in the morning, even after a peaceful nights sleep.

But this made total sense to me since cortisol is what was triggering my anxiety. So I dug a little further and found all sorts of scientific evidence that shows how this one exercise really does cure anxiety.

I read that deep stretching activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is what triggers the relaxation response. This counteracts the fight or flight response which then helps to lower the cortisol levels in the body.


I also found that stretching increases blood circulation to the muscles and tissues, which removes waste and toxins. I suppose not changing my diet wasn’t such a bad thing since I was now helping my body to remove any harmful build-up from, ahem sugar!

And because stretching helps to release tension and tightness in the muscles, the relaxed muscle then sends signals to the brain that it’s safe to calm down which then leads to a decrease in cortisol production.

So with the reduced cortisol build-up, which then in turn helps to eliminate anxiety, the body begins to calm down, hormones start to balance out and more endorphins are released as a result.

This is exactly what I seem to have experienced over the last couple of weeks. I have a sense of calm, I can tackle bigger problems much more easily and I feel more at peace generally.


So if you’re looking to cure your anxiety while juggling work and motherhood, or maybe it’s difficult getting to the gym, then this could be your answer to managing you’re anxiety and living a more peaceful life. Just 15 minutes every day is all you need for instant anxiety relief.


So the programme that I am talking about is called Hyperbolic Stretching. And whilst this programme is designed to help you learn how to do the splits, there are actually so many more benefits that can help you as soon as you start.

And it doesn’t matter what your age is or your level of flexibility, this programme works for anybody and everybody. The biggest benefit of the Hyperbolic Stretching programme is anxiety, this is a huge one which we can effectively tick off the list, but evidence shows that it also helps to reduce pain, gain better posture, improve sleep and even have better bowel and bladder control.

These simple stretches will now become a lifelong activity of mine, which I will continue to do just so that I can function well in my day. Much like having a daily shower, there are some things that are necessary in order to live comfortably every day and this is one of them.

Click here to get started with the Hyperbolic Stretching programme and please let me know how it goes for you. I would love to know in the comments below.

And if you know anybody that could benefit from this programme, maybe they suffer from a lot of anxiety and stress and are looking for a simple solution, then this could be the right programme for them.

Please feel free to pass this along to anybody that might get some benefit from this article.

Nayla Blog How to Manifest Anything

Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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Anxiety isn’t you. It’s something moving through you. It can leave out of the same door it came in.
— James Clear

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