This Is The Only Way To Manifest What You Want

Ok so you have tried manifesting the lottery win, the lover, the pregnancy, the house, the car, but quite frankly you are getting tired of it because it’s just not showing up. You have learned the best techniques, you have even purchased programs and ebooks from the internet but you don’t seem to be getting closer to manifesting what you want. Read on, as this is the only way to manifest what you want.

You can have the best techniques money can buy, but if you don’t remove the resistance you feel about the thing that you want, then it’s not going to come to you. Period. If you want to win the lottery but you have even the smallest of resistance within you, then your mind is in conflict and is programmed to give in to the resistance.

You see we as humans are programmed to want pleasure and to avoid pain. If something has caused us pain or seemingly causes us pain, then your mind is being programmed to avoid it. So if you want more money then the first step to getting it is knowing what it would feel like actually having it.

Establish Conflicting Thoughts

Once you know how that feels, you will establish all the negative thoughts that you tell yourself on a daily basis that may be in conflict with the positive/empowering thoughts. Write down these thoughts and see where you conflict. It is these conflicting thoughts that you often have no idea about because you have trained yourself to avoid these thoughts. But behind these thoughts are strong beliefs that are stopping you from manifesting what you want.

What kind of thoughts are popping up? Does having millions mean that you would need to quit a job that you like, are you worried about wanting to keep the news to yourself and the thought of others finding out is troublesome, what worries do you about have about money that you really desire?

List all of your worries and don’t be afraid of saying them out loud in case they will come true. If it was that easy to manifest you would have everything you wanted already. By getting all of your worries out there you get to really hear them. And not only that, you can start to introduce doubt to those beliefs. When you doubt a belief it takes the power away because a belief is a conviction you see, and once doubt is introduced to that belief it no longer becomes a conviction. The belief is then weakened.

The subconscious mind will always win if it believes that you are in danger. When it comes to conflicting thoughts, the pain of it will always override your desire. This is because we are wired to survive, and the fight or flight response is what has helped us to survive. So the avoidance of pain always overrides desire.

So in order to manifest what you want, you must clearly state what it is that you want and get rid of any conflicting thoughts, in order for your mind to clearly know what to move towards. Worrying about something causes you pain, so your brain will keep you away from it rather than push you further towards it. The worry and the over-analyzing causes conflict in the mind and so you have two opposing forces.

Change Your Internal Dialogue

So you must change your internal dialogue and start loving all the things you want and all the things that go with it. If it is a baby that you want, you must begin to love everything that comes with having a baby, the pregnancy, the birth, the feeding, etc. Or at least not have resistant thoughts towards them. If you want to attract a relationship you must start loving every aspect of it, the dating, the going out, the overcoming of past hurts, spending money on each other, compromising, etc.

Start to love every aspect of what you want and change your internal dialogue and begin to tell yourself how much you love everything about what you want. Even if you hate it, begin to love it. Imagine already having it and state the things you love about already having it.

Write it down, say it out loud, meditate on it, repeat it to yourself in the car, write it on post-it notes, do everything that you can to keep the positive dialogue going in your head. Because the more you do it and the more you let it become part of your normal life, the faster and easier it will come to you.

So if it is more money that you want, say things like ‘I love earning lots of money, I enjoy having so much money in my bank account, I love investing time into my business, I love what money buys me, I really enjoy paying my bills on time, having millions in my bank account exhilarates me, it is amazing having so much money to afford all the things I like to buy, I love finding new opportunities to earn more money’.

When conflicting thoughts arise, write down the negative belief, introduce doubt to it and then proceed to talk about how much you love what you want. Keep talking about every aspect of it in a positive, exciting and inspiring way.

This is the only way you will ever manifest what you want. And believe me, there is a huge part of you that thinks that this is too much work. But begin to tell yourself how much you love doing this work, because the more you love it, the less it feels like work.

Be patient with yourself, you are not running out of time. You are further ahead than most people and with this knowledge, you are inspiring others to do the same.

Stay positive, stay focused and stay willing. You are on an epic journey, so keep going.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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