Feel Good About What You Want

Humans are hard-wired to avoid pain and want pleasure. It’s innate within us. So when it comes to getting what you want, the most powerful way of having it is not only by knowing that you can have it, but by associating that desire with a really good feeling.

So how do you feel good about yourself?

How To Feel Good When Using The Law of Attraction

Almost everyone has an endless list of desires that they believe will improve their lives whether it’s more money, a better career, a family life, great friends or improved relationships with family members.

But almost all of the time negative energy is thrashed into those things. The kind of negative energy that see those areas as problems rather than opportunities.

Focusing on the negative aspect of a desire, such as not having enough money or not being in a loving relationship often means that more focus is put on life being miserable without them.

When you look at life through the lens of a problem, you are hard-wired to avoid it because it essentially causes you pain. But by learning to look at the outcome of what you want instead and attaching a good feeling to it, you are then hard-wired to move towards it because it brings you pleasure.

But finding pleasure in something that you have always found pain in, or shall I say, taught yourself to find pain in, just requires a bit of time and effort to see the situation differently.

For instance, if you have a problem with not meeting a partner and not having the relationship that you want, then realise that your desire is to be in a relationship and to have a loving companionship.

How to feel good about yourself when manifesting

By looking at the problem – I can’t find a partner, I don’t have the relationship that I want – you become too focused on the pain of not having a loving partner.

If you want to feel better about yourself then solution here is to find what feels good about being in a relationship and focusing on that feeling instead rather than the pain of not having it. The best tip I can give you is this;

How To Feel Good About What You Want

Start by learning to hone in on your ‘feeling-good’ skills. Do this by going within and thinking about something that makes you feel amazing.

This could be your family, your pets, a special moment you once had or pretty much anything that makes you feel great inside. Bring that feeling into your body and just feel good with it for a moment.

As you do this, now think about your desire of finding a partner or having more money. What would it feel like being in that perfect relationship or holding that person's hand?

What would it feel like having no money worries and being financially free?

As you focus on the end result of having your desire, bring up that feeling inside as though it is your desire that makes you feel amazing. This is the perfect hack to changing feelings instantly.

Do it slowly so that you can capture any wayward thoughts that tell you why you cannot have what you want. Tell yourself that you can have whatever you want.

As you do this your brain will then begin to associate good feelings to your desire automatically.

Carry on doing this exercise for 20 or 30 minutes daily. Do it slowly in your mind and counteract any thought that tells you that you cannot have it. These are just resistant thoughts that you have the power to eliminate.

It’s very important to associate good feelings to the things you want because biologically we are wired to move towards the things we desire.

When you don’t feel good about something you are hard-wired to avoid it. So if you have any bad feelings (problems) towards something you want, then you will unconsciously be moving away from it rather than towards it.

If you could feel good all day long, this would be the ideal life because everything you want would come to you effortlessly. However, it’s not easy to do.

But if all you did was to at least feel great about the things you desired, then the major aspects of your life would all be taken care of.

Remember life is not a race, so there is no race to the finish line here. Be persistent but be patient. Be slow in your pursuit.

Find the calm within you and remain confident and strong. Rewiring your brain should be a slow and steady endeavor. You will get what you want far quicker by doing this slowly rather than anxiously doing it fast.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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