3 Simple Ways To Remove Negative Blocks That Are Stopping Your From Manifesting

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A negative belief is a block that stops you from manifesting faster. You may be doing everything right when it comes to manifesting, but for some reason, you keep hitting mental blocks.

Even when you are doing everything right, those niggling pesky thoughts are limiting beliefs that will stop you from achieving what you want. And the reason for this is because it is a conflicting thought.

Imagine driving a car and you simultaneously press the gas and the brake pedal together. The car doesn’t know if it’s going or stopping.

The negative block is like the brake pedal.

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So imagine you want to manifest something, for simplicity's sake, let’s say you would like to manifest a partner. So you start to go through all the manifesting steps like creating a vision board, writing a gratitude journal, meditating, etc.

But every time you visualize your ideal partner, all you can think about is the way you were treated in a previous relationship.

Maybe, deep down you feel like you’re not good enough to be with your ideal partner. It would be this belief that is mentally blocking you from manifesting your ideal relationship.

So how do you go about removing these blocks? Well, it’s far easier than you think and much more simple than you may realise.

Keep reading to find out how you can remove your limiting beliefs.

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1. Change Your Focus

Something that Abraham Hicks has always said is, focus on what you do want and not on what you don’t want. This is obviously harder than it seems because there is usually a lot of emotion attached to what we don’t want.

Focus on what you Do want and not on what you Don't want

It is especially more difficult when we don’t hone in on that skill. So to focus on what you do want is a skill that must be learned and practiced every day.

And the best way to practice this skill is through meditation. Simple right?

Sometimes, we are so focused on what we don’t want, that it clouds all thoughts of what we do want.

So the best way to tackle this is to write down what you actually want. Take some time with this step because usually the things that we don’t want become convoluted in what we do want.

It can be like a spider’s web, unraveling what is important to us and getting to the core of what we actually want.

You can also script this step, which I will go further into during the next step.

But let’s imagine you’re talking to a trusted friend or a therapist. When this person asks you what you really want, what would you say?

Get out a pen and clean piece of paper and write down what you would say to this person. Even if you are unsure as you write, just keep writing until you become clearer and clearer.

2. Script Your Fears

The second way that you can remove resistance is to script your fears. Following on from the previous section, this way you can script in reverse.

Rather than scripting out what you actually want, script out your fears instead. In the same way, if you were talking to a trusted friend or therapist, what deep fears do you have about the thing you want?

Get out your pen again and write it down. There may be things you don’t want to write out because by saying it out loud, you may feel like it could become real.

But this is far from the truth, by writing it down, you take away the power that the fear holds over you. Fear has way more power in your mind than spoken aloud.

When you do say it or write it down, your reasoning brain kicks in and realises how silly that fear actually is.

You also have more power to change that fear once you write it down.

Become a trusted friend to yourself who can help you to see that it is just a false belief

Alternatively, you may also become that trusted friend to yourself, who encourages you to see that it’s just a false belief that became a part of you during a heightened emotional time.

3. Create Positive Statements

Creating a positive statement is another great way to remove limiting beliefs. It is almost like reverse engineering a negative belief.

The trick is to go back over your written fears, and cross out anything that either confirms the existence of that fear or, discourages you from moving forward. Then flip the word to its opposite.

So say an example of a written fear is;

I want to meet my ideal partner but I am scared this person will hurt me in the same way my previous partner did. I fear that this person will disrespect me and use me until they no longer need me. What if I trust the wrong person again? I fear I will be too old to meet anybody else and ruin my chances of happy life.

Now get your pen and go over the negative and discouraging words, and turn them into positive statements. So using the previous fear as an example, you could reverse engineer the fear and change it into its opposite.

So here is the updated fear, changed into its positive opposite.

I believe I will meet my ideal partner. I am excited this person will love me in the way that I deserve. This person will respect me and want to hold onto me. I will trust the right person this time. And I love that I’m going to be the right age when it happens.

Do you see how different that sounds to the fear that was written down? Choosing the positive opposite words have an enormous effect on the mind.

Remove words like ‘fear’ and replace it with more positive words like ‘love’. Or ‘disrespect’ to ‘respect’. Then change the context of the rest to be more positive.

Negative words stifle the mind, but positive words excite the mind and gear you up for positive action.

Use my Free Thought Patterns template below to write down your fears. Then on the opposite side, change those fears into positive statements as explained above.

Once you have turned all of your fears into positive statements, use the bottom section to put all of your positive statements together and use them as affirmations.

Something I like to do with my affirmations is put them on my vision board so that I have a daily reminder of what I am going to achieve.

So there you have it, 3 simple ways to remove negative blocks that are stopping you from manifesting. Just to recap, here are the three different ways again.

  1. Change Your Focus

  2. Script Your Fears

  3. Create Positive Statements

What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to removing negative thoughts? Or what have you personally found that works? I would love to hear from you, leave your answers in the comments below.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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You can’t be both awesome and negative. Choose one.
— Karen Salmansohn

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