5 Steps To Manifest Anything You Want In Life

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Manifesting can be a tricky thing to get your head around. But once you learn the steps required to make it happen, it actually becomes a very seamless process. Here I will show you in 5 steps how to manifest anything you want in life.

How To Manifest Anything You Want in Life

Step 1 - Decide What You Want

The first step to manifesting something, is to become clear on what you want. In my own experience, it is vital to go after one goal at a time rather than several.

But it also depends on the goal you are trying to achieve. Most people want it all and they want it now, which is no surprise with the way we are living today.

However, focusing on one goal at a time ensures that you will be more successful in achieving it, and within a shorter span of time, compared to having several goals at a time.

If you want help getting clear on your goals then feel free to use my FREE Manifesting Toolkit

For more help, read my blog post Forget Hope - Decide What You Want to help you become clear. These tools will help you to get started to attract anything you want in life.

Check out this video by Sherold Barr to help you declutter your thoughts and become clear on what you want.

Step 2 - Ask For It

Asking is a very important part of the process and sometimes a complex one, due to the variations of what this term means.

Speaking it out loud in the hope that something somewhere is listening to you will not exactly cut it.

Asking can be done in a variety of ways such as visualization, making a vision board, a daily meditation practice, praying or even writing.

The key is to find the one that seems most natural to you. Have you come across the 369 method that is populating TikTok right now?

This is how you can manifest anything you want using the 3 6 9 method. In the morning when you wake up, write your manifestation down 3 times on a piece of paper, or better yet a workbook. Then in the afternoon, write it down again 6 more times. Then in the evening write it down another 9 times. And that’s it.

The idea behind the 3 6 9 method according to Sarah Potter, a New York based tarot card reader, is that the numerology of these numbers is significant.

The number three directly connects us to the universe, six represents our inner strength, and nine helps us to move forward by releasing any self-doubts we have about the past.

So, if writing helps you, then be sure to try this method.

But other than that, if visualizing is something that comes more naturally to you, then spend some time ‘seeing’ what you want. See yourself enjoying your manifestation.

Whatever you choose, this is the art of asking for what you want.

Check out this video by The Aligned Life detailing the 3 6 9 method.

Step 3 - Make A Plan

This is the part where you take action. Action doesn't have to be effort or hard work. It is simply mimicking the energy that you wish to attract.

Most people get stuck here because they are waiting for their manifestation to come to them. But as Gabby Berstein says, be ‘in action”. Simply put, create a plan.

If you want to manifest more money then why not make your first investment? If you want to manifest a promotion then start applying for higher-level jobs.

Put yourself in that manifestation, or in other words, that state of mind.

If you want to manifest a baby then start tracking your ovulation days, if you want to manifest a husband then maybe start writing a dating profile, or reading books about finding the one.

No matter how small the action, the important thing is that you are taking action to move in the direction of your manifestation. Give the universe an opportunity to bring your manifestation to you.

Step 4 - Start A Gratitude Journal

Learn to become grateful for what you do receive no matter how small and write a gratitude journal to highlight and remember it.

The reason why this is so important is because we already do this mentally with negative self-talk.

When we want to manifest something to happen, oftentimes there is a script going off in our heads about the lack of what we want to manifest.

By writing thoughts of gratitude, it is a way of changing the script. In order to get what we want we must move closer to our manifestation.

When the mind thinks thoughts of gratitude, it is essentially pulling you towards your manifestation, but when a negative script is going off in your head, then it is pulling you away.

The mind pulls you towards positivity and pushes you away from negativity, so it’s crucial to get positive about your manifestation.

In my Law of Attraction Planner I have a page dedicated to gratitude - check it out here.

Caren Baginski shares below her tips on starting a gratitude journal.

Step 5 - Remove All Resistance

If you are looking for an easy way to manifest anything, then the quickest way is to remove all resistance about your manifestation.

Identify your fears and limiting beliefs about what you want, then begin to remove them by telling yourself the positive opposite of the fear.

So for instance, if you want to manifest a partner but your limiting belief is that you’re not good enough to attract the one, then you must remove that belief by telling yourself the positive opposite.

Which is, that you ARE good enough and that you are moving closer and closer to being with the one.

Try out my FREE Thought Patterns Template to help you to remove any resistance you are holding.


So here you have it, 5 Steps to Manifest Anything You Want in Life. Just to recap, here are the steps again.

  1. Decide what you want

  2. Ask for it

  3. Make a plan

  4. Start a gratitude journal

  5. Remove all resistance

What challenges are you finding with your manifestation process? What have you manifested so far that you are proud of? I would love to hear from you, leave your answers in the comments below.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

Go ahead and feel free to read my other blog posts.

I also have tons of freebies available to download as well as digital vision boards to help you achieve success.

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One day, your heart will stop beating, and none of your fears will matter. What will matter is how you lived.
— Henry Juntila


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