3 Manifesting HACKS That Actually Work

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Everyone is looking for that number one manifesting technique. Just a single solid technique that actually works.

Manifestation is very personal and what works for one, wont for another. It’s all about the ‘feel-good’ factor.

Whatever makes you feel good that you can stick to consistently is the real deal for you personally.

If you do a quick google search for manifesting techniques, you will get around 262 million results. There are litterally tons of tips, hacks and techniques out there that you can try out.

But honestly, I have tried most of them and very rarely do I find techniques good enough to stick to.

So in this article I have compiled the best hacks that I have personally used, that actually work. 

Back in my younger days when I didn’t know a thing about the Law of Attraction, I manifested working and living abroad and even got sponsored for residency.

We all have that one story where we manifested something so amazing but didn’t know how we actually did it.

Thats the great thing about manifestation, it’s always working, it’s not a thing you buy or even something you learn. It’s something that’s always happening in response to us.

It’s more so about becoming aware of it enough to fine-tune it so that you keep achieving the life you want.

The reason these techniques work is because they're easy to do every day, they excite the mind and you actually see instant changes.

Wouldn't it be nice to look back on your life one day feeling super proud that you achieved all the things you ever wanted? 

Wouldn't it be amazing knowing that you finally achieved wealth and abundance all because you DECIDED to change your mindset? 

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Manifestation is all about mindset and knowing that the life you want IS available to you.

The great thing about manifestating the things you love, is that you get to EVOLVE as a person and constantly become a better version of yourself.

There are infinite possibilities with what you can achieve. NOTHING is off limits

If you’re looking for love, then fall in love with someone who gives you goosebumps. If you’re tired of your mundane job, then start that business you always wanted and become your own boss. If you’re struggling to fall pregnant, then have the baby you have always longed to love unconditionally. 

Get EXCITED about the things that you want and know that you are the master of your own DESTINY.

It starts with YOU and all you need to do is JUST DO IT. Just do the work, discipline yourself and be consistent.

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So if you’re with me then roll up your sleeves, get ready and lets start making some changes around here.

Here are my top 3 Manifesting hacks:

1) Dialogue With Your Mind

My number one manifesting hack is to start dialoguing with your mind. Have a conversation with yourself. Most likely you’re already doing that anyway.

Most of the time people let their fears and anxieties run the show. Put a stop to that by consciously telling yourself how EXCITED you are that you have finally achieved [Your Manifestation Here]. 

Change the conversation you’re most likely already having with yourself, to an uplifting one instead.

Use uplifting words like - 'I'm so excited ..... I love that.... It's amazing...."

Using positive words like these changes the way you FEEL and if you feel good, then you will naturally crave it more and more.

Think about all the things that will go RIGHT rather than what will go wrong with your manifestation.

Get detailed about it. What exactly are you excited about? What is it that you love about this manifestation? Get so detailed about it that you forget that you ever doubted it!

One of the best times to have this conversation with yourself is during quiet times. Such as driving, commuting, listening to music, doing your make-up or showering. 

Getting into the habit of doing this every day will naturally get you excited and you will expect good things to come your way. When you EXPECT good things to happen, they will natually happen.

2) Create New Pictures In Your Mind

My second biggest manifesting hack is to start exciting your imagination by creating new pictures in your mind. 

You are most likely already doing the opposite when you fear something. Fear is strong emotion and elicits very vivid pictures in the mind.

This is the same but in reverse. What would it feel like being in the most romantic relationship of your life? Or running a wildly successful business that earns you six figures a year?

Whatever your desire is, let your imagination run wild. What kind of picutures come up in your mind? Allow them to become more vivid, more detailed and much more vibrant.

Start CREATING your own pictures. How do you look having your manifestation? How happy do you seem to be? Where do you see yourself enjoying your manifestation?

By creating your own pictures, you are creating your future

The more positive pictures you create, the more your mind will naturally start to ONLY see those pictures. You will no longer see the fearful pictures that often consumes people.  

3) Act As If It Has Already Happened 

My third hack is to act like your manifestation has already happened to you. What does it feel like knowing you have already achieved your manifestation? 

Successful people do this very well, they know that they have to feel and act like a success before they have even achieved it. When you first start to do this it can it can feel a bit silly and even bring up feelings of guilt.

In that case ask yourself, why would you feel embarassed or guilty about a life that you want? You’re not lying to yourself, you’re just living the reality that you prefer now rather than later.

Nevertheless, continue to speak positively about your manifestation without resisting it or pushing it away.

Does it make you feel confident? Are you proud of yourself? Do you walk with an air of grace because you feel content with life? If so, then start to act that way.

Become the person who already has what you want? Step into your future self. 

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By becoming the future version of yourself who already has your manifestation, you are embodying the exact energies that attract the circumstances that you want.

So there you have it, 3 manifesting hacks that actually work. They will only work if you put the work in.

If you loved reading this post and you think somebody else could benefit from it, then please go ahead and share.

Do you struggle with manifesting the things you want? What is the number one thing you would love to manifest but find quite challenging to achieve? I would love to know, drop a comment below and lets start working on it.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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— Universe

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