How To Manifest A BABY

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Dear future Mama, first of all I just want to acknowledge how incredibly difficult I know this journey is for you. I know from my own experience what it is like to deal with the excruciating painful emotions of infertility.

I know what it’s like to long for a baby so much that it is hard to cope with just about anything in your day-to-day life. And what’s harder is keeping it all under wraps, especially when people around you don’t understand or know just how isolating and uncertain it can feel.

But I want to give you hope, I want you to know that you absolutely can make this happen.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
— Martin Luther King. Jr.

Having a baby should be easy. Of course, it should be easy. It happens incredibly quickly for so many women, so why shouldn’t it be easy?

But unfortunately for some of us, it takes a little more time. And sometimes you just have to believe there’s a reason why. You may not see it now, but you will.

For me, it took four years. I was diagnosed with endometriosis but eventually I became pregnant through IVF with my daughter.

I do have to say that because it took me that much longer to get pregnant, I am so incredibly grateful to have her. Even when I get tired and cranky I realize just how truly blessed I am.

And because I am more grateful, I get to be more mindful when I spend time with her because it took me that much longer to have her.

For four years I was wracked with grief and turmoil, not knowing when it was going to be ‘my time’. Embarrassed about getting older and not having children of my own.

If you’ve read my story then you will know that with meditation, stress management, and a mindset overhaul I was able to successfully become pregnant and carry my baby to full term.

But the number one factor that got me to that place was believing that I could do it.

So that is why I created the Manifest Your Baby Planner. Because when you start believing that you can do it, you will then start to shift your perspective and start planning for your baby’s arrival.

And once you plan for their arrival your mind will begin to start expecting your baby.

Expecting to have your baby, like you would expect something as mundane as buying milk from the store, tells your brain and your body that it’s going to happen. It allows you to set aside your emotions and pushes you towards accomplishing your goal.

Manifest a baby, how to get pregnant, trying to get pregnant

Whether you’re going through IVF or not, this planner will work for you because it’s all about preparing your body for pregnancy. Before my successful pregnancy, I had two failed IVF transfers and a natural pregnancy that ended with a miscarriage. Once I learned to relax my body and create a loving and nurturing environment for my baby to grow in, that is when things changed.

I started my journey by telling myself that I was going to have a baby the following year. This was back in 2019 and although an ambitious plan, I was somehow going to make sure that I had a baby in 2020.

So to start putting my beliefs into action, I decided to create a planner to document everything I was doing.

I created a three-month fertility tracker to give myself enough time without putting pressure on myself to get pregnant. I didn’t want to put all of my hopes into each month as I had been doing for so long. I wanted to prevent that by allowing myself to remain positive and hopeful for the subsequent months.

Although I became successfully pregnant through IVF, I had already conceived naturally a few months prior. The first time I learned to relax my body in a deep meditative state was through Dr Joe Dispenza. If you haven’t come across Dr Joe I absolutely recommend his work which can be found on his website.

Through his techniques, I was able to feel amazing in my body, particularly my pelvic area and it was approximately one month after doing his work that I became naturally pregnant for the first time in four years. That pregnancy did however end in a miscarriage, but it didn’t dishearten me and I now knew that it was possible to become pregnant again.

We cannot create a new future, by holding on to emotions of the past.
— Dr Joe Dispenza

After the start of my journey, I didn’t get pregnant in my first month but I also didn’t let that deter me and remained positive about myself. I arranged for my third IVF transfer which then resulted in a successful pregnancy.

Your baby needs a warm loving environment to grow in, not a stressful one. They say a woman’s womb is like her second heart, her stress goes to this region of the body.

You see your body is an intelligent mechanism that constantly heals, so no matter what diagnosis you’ve received, you have to understand that your body knows how to heal itself and that it constantly does.

If you look into the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza he explains this thoroughly from a scientific and biological viewpoint.

When dealing with infertility this usually means there are a lot of stress hormones circulating in the body such as cortisol which moves the body into a state of fight or flight. This state for a prolonged period of time becomes very toxic for the body so it’s important to learn how to harness loving energy in order to create those feel-good hormones.

Whether you’re dealing with infertility or recurring miscarriages, the stress alone can be comparable to major chronic illnesses.

Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about.
— Rumi

In the beginning, I researched absolutely everything. From changing my diet to exercising to taking fertility vitamin pills and so on. But over time it just added to even more stress. It became too overwhelming to stay on top of everything.

I felt like I was failing my body and in turn, my body was failing me.

But blaming myself only caused more stress and anxiety. It was a catch-22. I had to do what felt right for me. When everything you do doesn’t seem to work then you run out of options.

If you believe in the Law of Attraction, which is basically the ability to attract whatever you are focusing on into your life, then this may feel like it’s your last hope or one that you will try just in case it works.

I created my own method and I made it work for me. It was my own system, it kept me organized and best of all it gave me complete control. It allowed me to stay focused on getting pregnant and staying pregnant whilst keeping my fears at bay.

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What is the Manifest Your Baby Planner?


This planner is a guide to get you thinking and acting like your baby is on the way. There are three parts to this planner, two of which are there to help remove old limiting beliefs about having a baby. Part three helps you to create your own vision board using the Vision Board Kit that you can cut out and add to your own board along with other images that inspire you.

The great thing about this planner is that it takes out all of the guessing and overwhelming emotions that come with trying to conceive. It helps you to stay focused and driven on your end goal which is to have a beautiful healthy baby.

By diving deep and filling out the first two sections you are essentially telling the universe (and your body) that it’s time and that this is your time to have this baby. That you are mentally and emotionally ready to become a mother and that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

Worries around money and health are also covered. The planner allows you to break these areas down into manageable tasks that can help you to save an appropriate amount of money each month whilst simultaneously getting your body into the best shape it has ever been.

You will love this planner because it takes out all the guessing and helps you to stay focused on your goal.

What’s inside the Planner?


Over 21 Pages of planning printables

The planner consists of the following sections:

  • How to use this workbook

  • Part One - Managing Negative Thoughts

  • Part Two - Creating Pleasant Thoughts

  • Part Three - Create Your Vision Board

  • Fertility Calendar

  • Fitness Tracker

  • Baby Fund Tracker

  • Meal Planner

  • Conceptions Essentials

  • Vision Board Kit

  • Example Booklet

Let me give you a brief overview of what you can expect.

Part One

In this section of the planner expect to dive deep into your innermost thoughts about having a baby. Specifically negative thoughts that are holding you back. This section will help you to surface those thoughts and release the emotions that are holding you down. Once you clear away those thoughts and emotions it’s time to replace them with positive and empowering ones, which now takes us to Part Two.


Part Two

In part two you will begin to create very positive and pleasant thoughts. These thoughts are designed to empower you and to boost your emotions. By the end of this section you have a list of empowering thoughts that will be a daily reminder of your goal towards becoming a mother.

Part 3

Part three is where you will create your vision board using the Free Vision Board Kit that I provide in the planner. Using the cut-outs provided along with your new list of positive thoughts, you will have everything you need to keep you focused on your future pregnancy and your baby.


Use the Fertility Calendar to track your cycle and ovulation days. Printing off a few copies allows you to give yourself a few months to track your cycle in a healthy and positive way without putting all of your expectations on just one month.

Pre-plan your exercise days using the Fitness Tracker. It’s important to keep your body active but most importantly it will help you to feel great about yourself by producing those feel-good hormones to heal and nourish your body.

The Baby Fund Tracker is my favourite part of the planner, as there is nothing more convincing to the mind than saving money to help towards your baby. For those future mamas who have fears about the cost of having a baby, then this is your perfect companion in how you are going to make it work. There is no sooner time than right now to save money for your baby. The act of saving itself is proof that your baby is indeed on the way.

I also created a Baby Wish list on Amazon which is absolutely Free to use and it allowed me to think and feel like I was already pregnant and the kinds of things I wanted to buy for my baby.


The Meal Planner is perfect for tracking healthy meals as it is essential for your body to be nourished. After all your body will become a vessel for your baby to grow in, so by creating a healthy and loving environment, it will be their perfect start to life.

In this planner, you will also find a list of Conception Essentials as well as an Example Booklet to help walk you through the exercises.

The Manifest Your Baby Planner will help you to stay driven and focused on achieving your successful pregnancy from the very start all the way to the final delivery of your precious baby.

How To Use This Planner

As you go through the planner, meditate on the feeling of becoming a mother and become emotionally vested in that feeling. The feeling must bring together the thought of being a mother with the feeling of being a mother. They work hand in hand to complement each other and is something you will begin to physically feel in your body.

Sit quietly and ask yourself, what it would feel like to be pregnant. What would it feel like to have a baby bump? How happy does that make you feel? How content does it make you feel?

During meditation, become one with your thoughts and feelings about becoming a mother. Think about how it feels to have your future child playing in the house and the life that they bring to your home.

It is about becoming more and more familiar with this feeling than the feeling of not having a baby. When you don’t have a baby it feels like you’re missing out and you can’t quite relate to the people around you, whether they are your friends, family, or colleagues.

You might feel alienated and somewhat shameful of the pity that people may have for you. Having people ask when you’re going to have a baby becomes a painful question and puts a lot of pressure on your body.

These are all the feelings that eventually become accustomed to us and because they become so familiar, it perpetuates a never-ending cycle of disempowering thoughts and feelings.

The idea of the planner is to step away from those feelings by creating new positive ones.

The best way to predict the future is to create it
— Dr Joe Dispenza

Nobody tells us how to think positively and how to remove old negative thoughts. Most people just tell us to relax and it will happen. And whilst that is somewhat true, they often underestimate the burden we feel of not being able to get pregnant or stay pregnant.

So when you go through part one, it’s designed to bring those negative thoughts to the surface so that you can recognize and change them.

Because until you know a thought is there, you’re unable to change it. Sometimes just recognizing the thought is enough to remove it, because the fact that it has remained hidden is what has given it power over the years. But when you recognize it and write it down, your reasoning brain kicks in and realizes just how silly it was to believe it.

Once you’ve become familiar with the feeling of being pregnant, connecting with your future baby, and having a family it will become second nature to revisit that feeling over and over.

The plan is to keep practicing daily during meditation for around 45 minutes until you become so familiar with the feeling that you can summon it any time of day.

Add a daily walk to your routine and bring up that feeling again and again. Become so familiar with that feeling that the universe has no choice but to make it your reality.

The more you do it and with genuine love and affection, the quicker you will manifest your pregnancy.

Limiting beliefs about Pregnancy

To get you started on part one of the planner, use the following list to help bring to the surface any negative and limiting beliefs you may be harbouring inside.

  • It’s never going to happen

  • I’m going to become an old spinster with no children of my own

  • I don’t fit in with my family or friends without having children

  • There’s something wrong with me

  • Maybe I don’t deserve to have a baby

  • Maybe the Universe or God is punishing me by not letting me have a baby

  • What if my baby is disabled, how will I cope?

  • What if my baby is autistic, how will I have a normal life?

  • What if I lose my baby during pregnancy?

  • What if my baby dies?

  • There is something wrong with my body

  • I have bad eggs

  • My body doesn’t function properly like other women’s bodies, mine is not normal

  • Maybe I won’t be able to create a normal healthy baby

  • I cannot afford to take time off from work to look after a baby

  • I don’t have enough money to look after this baby

  • I won’t be able to afford childcare, how will I cope?

  • I will be expected to do everything whilst my partner does nothing

Whatever your limiting beliefs are, write them down in the planner and contemplate whether it is really true. Most fears are not true and have a crippling affect unless they’re brought to the surface and dealt with. Have a logical conversation with yourself about them. Fears we hold tend to come from an unhealed past experience or trauma. Think about what that experience might be.

Focusing on being pregnant and holding your baby in your arms allows you to put more of your energy into being pregnant than fear itself. By using your imagination to think about what it will be like when you do have your baby, then you are unconsciously gearing your body up for pregnancy.

By allowing limiting beliefs to take hold, you’re essentially communicating with your body not to get pregnant which is an innocent mistake that comes from a place of not knowing rather than an intention to make it happen.

And when you have years of ‘telling’ your body not to get pregnant because of false beliefs, then the body takes this on and does as you request. It’s a very innocent thing to do but it does unfortunately have its consequences.

Expecting that you’re going to have a baby is a way of communicating to your body to get ready. When you fear that it won’t happen then that communicates the opposite. By changing your beliefs, you essentially work at a molecular level to change the actual cells in your body.

Marisa Peer mentions in her book Trying To Get Pregnant (and Succeeding) that if you have always told yourself not to get pregnant for years, either by speaking it or taking something like the contraception pill, which is a way of actively stopping yourself from getting pregnant, then to switch your body suddenly to become pregnant can be tricky.

When you send out a strong message your body listens to it. Try to close your eyes for a moment and imagine biting into a lemon. You will most likely find that your mouth will start to produce saliva. This is exactly how intuitive your body is to your mind.

So imagine telling yourself not to get pregnant, it does exactly the same but at a level you will not necessarily feel.

Become a trusted friend to yourself who can help you to see that it is just a false belief

Affirmations for getting pregnant

Use the following affirmations for part two of the planner. Feel free to use your own but remember that they must feel true to you.

  • You are so loved little one

  • My baby and I are working together

  • I believe in my body

  • My body will protect my baby on its journey to me

  • I trust my body, it knows what to do

  • Can’t wait to meet you

  • I set aside my worries and I allow my body to do its job

  • My body is accepting this baby and will protect it

  • My mind is relaxed, my body is relaxed

  • I am prepared to meet whatever turn my birthing takes

  • Inhale strength, exhale fear

  • Nine months preparing to fall in love for a lifetime

  • I am built for birth

  • My body is strong enough to carry a baby

  • I am blessed to carry this baby

  • I was made to be a mother

  • I carried you for every second of your life and I will love you for every second of mine

  • My body is strong and capable

  • I release all my fears and concerns about infertility and I declare myself fertile

  • My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby

  • My partner and I are the worlds best team

  • I am the most important person in my baby’s world. How I feel matters and I choose to feel safe.

  • I am strong and healthy and sailing right through this pregnancy

  • I am strong, powerful and in control

  • We made a wish and you came true

  • I can and I will

  • The most perfect egg is preparing to be released by my ovary and the most perfect sperm is preparing to fertilise it

  • I have juicy grade A eggs that are waiting to be fertilised by my partners champion swimmers

  • My womb is warm and ready to grow a healthy baby

  • Sweet baby, you are my greatest adventure

  • I can’t wait to become a mother

  • We are going to be the most amazing parents

  • My womb is calm and loving towards my baby

Now think about all the things you really want in a family. Focus on being a mother, having a big pregnant belly as you shower, and walking down the street with your pram/stroller.

Whenever your mind actively focuses on any of the following, whether it’s the thought of seeing a negative pregnancy test, getting your period again or never become a mother, switch your thinking straight away and don’t allow it to gain any momentum. Focus instead on seeing a positive pregnancy test, being period free for 9 months and on giving birth to your future baby.

Focus on other future activities such as taking your little one to school, going on family holidays, or even taking the kinds kids to McDonald's. When your mind believes it, your body will work in tandem to get you there.

I really hope the information in this blog post has helped and inspired you. You will not be disappointed with this planner, it has everything you need and walks you through the overwhelming emotions that are holding you back. Create a new and positive mindset that helps to see yourself as the mother you have always dreamed to be.

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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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One day, your heart will stop beating, and none of your fears will matter. What will matter is how you lived.
— Henry Juntila


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