Start Meditating Everyday

My favourite part of the day is when i sit down to meditate. It is the one time of day where I get to go into my mind and sift through what is going on within it.

In order to start relieving anxiety, sitting down with yourself and keeping yourself there for as long as possible is an absolute necessity.

If you want to skip straight to my video regarding this subject, keep scrolling to the bottom of this blog post.

According to Dr Joe Dispenza, the body is like an animal and once you give it a command it will do as you say. If you can sit down for five minutes that’s great, but you’re probably not going to see results unless you push yourself to sit for longer, ideally 45 mins to 1 hour.

The reason meditation is very important is because, during that time of solitude, it is the ideal time to make sense of what’s going on in your mind. Especially in an anxiety-filled mind.

But if you’re not careful, sitting in meditation only to analyze anxious thoughts, could make your anxiety worse. Over-analysing and dwelling on those thoughts tends to do the opposite of why we sit down in the first place.

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If you suffer from anxiety, it is those thoughts that you need to get away from because they’re very incapacitating. The purpose of meditation is to become clear-headed and relieved of worrisome thoughts.

Meditation is not a one size fits all tool. Meditation is different things to different people. It does not always need to be defined as a spiritual practice, but more like a mind control exercise.

Here are the different types of meditation that I regularly practice. They are 6 easy steps to ease you into meditating whether you have practiced meditation before or not.

Another word for some of these meditations is mindfulness, but by calling them meditations, allows you to set an intention before embarking on them.

Meditation 1 - Loving Happiness

This is my favourite meditation practice. All it involves is sitting down, closing my eyes and feeling immense happiness in my body. I call it the loving happiness meditation.

I usually focus on something that has brought me happiness in the past. And once I have captured the loving warm feeling, I then focus on my heart area, or put my hand on my heart, and lock that feeling in for the entirety of the meditation.

The reason this meditation is so important to me is because of the tremendous health benefits it has had on my body. There is a growing science that shows the healing properties of a happiness meditation.

I have personally felt my body heal during this meditation and I have also felt a surge of energy moving in various parts of my body. So I know first-hand the tremendous effects it has.

Once you feel joy in your heart, after a while the body then begins to feel a sense of euphoria in the body.

The body then becomes addicted to this euphoria and doesn’t want to let go of it. And at this moment, all you need to do is to let it take over you. Relax your mind and fall into the feeling.

Meditation 2 - Observing Thoughts

This meditation is the more spiritual practice of observing your thoughts without judgment. There is a documentary on Netflix called Calm, like the app, where the narrator explains it perfectly.

It’s like watching cars go by on a busy road and just watching them rather than judging or analyzing them. At first just let your mind wonder and do what it wants. Observe the thoughts without entertaining or judging them.

There is no need to over-analyze the thoughts that you have. Train yourself to just let them be. This alone requires skill, a skill that can be perfected over time.

If you do allow yourself to entertain, analyze and judge these thoughts, it could make the anxiety worse. So it’s important to let these thoughts run and have yourself sit down for long enough to see them get tired and slow down on their own.

Meditation 3 - Empowering Thoughts

This is also one of my favourite meditations because it makes me feel fantastic afterward. This is best practiced if you have some powerful affirmations at hand.

You can use affirmations such as;

I am relentless in my desire to succeed

I am always achieving great things

I cope brilliantly in extreme situations

For about 45 minutes to 1 hour, I like to sit down, close my eyes and start repeating empowering words to myself. I feel my energy change as I repeat the words and I begin to believe everything I am saying.

This uplifts and inspires me. Whether I want to feel more confident or heal my body, I repeat powerful words to help me feel more confident or stronger in my body.

This works best if I am working on a new goal. I usually practice this meditation in order to help rewire my mindset.

Meditation 4 - Reading Meditation

If you ever find yourself reading books or any form of literature for that matter, do you tend to get anxious about getting to the end quickly?

Or have you ever found yourself reading and having anxious thoughts running in the background like a radio, but you can't quite catch them? If so, then this meditation is perfect for you.

The next time you read something, read it ever so slowly. When you slow down your reading, you slow down your thinking at the same time. The reason for this is because you start to focus on the words more, which requires more attention.

And because of this, you can then start to pay attention to the anxious thought itself. So rather than letting the anxious thought control you, you control the anxious thought.

The trick is not to entertain anxious thoughts. But also don’t avoid them either. Simply observe them for a few seconds, then carry on reading.

Most of the time anxious thoughts become persistent because they are resisted. But by simply observing them and then going back to your reading gives you the power to control them and not the other way around.

Meditation 5 - Writing Meditation

This meditation is similar to the reading meditation but in a writing format. When you write anything, such as an email or an essay, then write very slowly.

In a similar way to the reading meditation, you will start to notice anxious thoughts as you write.

They will try to distract you as you write, but again you have the power to observe and then continue to write and not let it affect your state of mind.

Meditation 6 - Walking Meditation

I love my walking meditation because it allows me to go into a trance due to the movement and intention behind it.

This works best if you have powerful affirmations ready. Movement along with highly powerful emotional words has a very positive effect on the body.

If I want to feel more confident or to heal my body, I will repeat positive empowering words to myself throughout my walking meditation. I do this hand in hand with Meditation 3.

If you haven’t come across scripting yet, it is a powerful manifesting technique that works. I am about to write a blog post on it so stay tuned.

But when I do my walking meditation, I like to have a script ready to repeat to myself during my walk.

It usually goes something like this:

I am a confident woman. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. I can cope with any situation that comes my way because I have phenomenal coping skills. I am a likable person and I love the person that I have become. I love being me, I love everything about myself and I love living my life. Whenever I speak to others I act and feel confident. When somebody looks at me directly in the eyes, I am confident enough to look at them directly back, because I am comfortable in who I am.

I am very capable in my career. I confidently complete all tasks that are required of me and more. I don’t get overwhelmed or flustered because I know how to easily break the situation down and complete each part confidently. I love challenges because I love to overcome them.

Positive self-talk is a very powerful technique to add to your skillset if you have anxiety. Creating a positive script like the one above can heal a person in ways that no medicine can.

So there you have it, 6 different ways that you can meditate. The important thing is to make a start. Just to recap, here are the different meditation techniques again:

  1. Loving meditation

  2. Observing thoughts meditation

  3. Empowering thoughts meditation

  4. Reading meditation

  5. Writing meditation

  6. Walking meditation

What did you think of these meditations? Would you be willing to try any of them? If you have never tried meditating, what stops you from wanting to start? I would love to hear from you, leave a comment below.

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how to get started with meditation
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Hi I’m Nayla

I give the best tips and techniques on eliminating anxiety and re-wiring the mind for success. I help people to achieve their dreams and desires simply by changing the way they think.

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